Call for abstracts
Latest news: the scientific programme committee has decided to welcome abstracts until March 4th, 2018!
These abstracts will be considered for acceptance as poster. Notification of acceptance for these contributions is expected before the end of March.
Please click here to start your abstract submission.
The Scientific Programme Committee is pleased to invite delegates to submit their contribution to the IRPA2018 Congress through
the online submission system. Once accepted, it will be decided whether your contribution will be presented at IRPA 2018 as a poster or as an oral presentation (if submitted before the original deadline). Your poster, PDF or PowerPoint presentation and your full paper will be made publicly available through the IRPA 2018 website after the Congress.
The final date for the submission of abstracts was extended to January 7th 2018. After submission, the abstracts will go through a review process and authors will be notified in February 2018 whether their submission has been accepted.
Your abstract should summarize clearly the proposed content of the full paper, including any major scientific findings or conclusions.
The acceptance of abstracts will be based on their scientific and technical quality and clarity of writing.
The presenting author will be required to register online as a participant. The website will take you through the registration and abstract submission process. If in doubt, please contact the organizers at info@IRPA2018europe.com. Once registered, you
will receive a confirmation email.
The topics of the congress are divided into different areas and subspecialities, click here for the matrix.