5th European IRPA Congress
The Dutch Society for Radiation Protection (NVS) was pleased to host the 5th European IRPA Congress, that took place from 4th to 8th June, 2018 in the historical city of The Hague, The Netherlands.
With the theme “Encouraging Sustainability in Radiation Protection”, the congress focused on aspects needed to make sure that we have, and will continue to have, adequate equipment, staff and resources to protect human health and our environment against the adverse effects of ionising and non-ionising radiation.
Congress material
We are happy to share with you most of the congress material:
- The congress proceedings (ed. Ronald Smetsers), containing full papers submitted by congress participants;
- The refresher courses – please note that the learning outcomes and recommended reading are available through the ‘programme’ tab on this website;
- The poster contributions, collected in a poster book part one, part two and part three (ed. Ronald Smetsers);
- The book of abstracts (ed. Ronald Smetsers), and;
- The evaluation report (ed. Hielke Freerk Boersma), including the scientific summary.
We also note that additional information is available for participants of this congress after logging in with their user account. In case you attended the congress and do not have your username and password anymore, please contact the congress secretariat by sending an email to info@irpa2018europe.com.